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BerandaHANKAMPangdam IX/Udayana as Pangkogasgab Pam VVIP Accompanying The President of Republic Indonesia...

Pangdam IX/Udayana as Pangkogasgab Pam VVIP Accompanying The President of Republic Indonesia in NTB Province

The President of Republic Indonesia, Ir. H. Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo carried out a series of work visit activities, namely observing and inaugurating permanent residences (Huntap) and the Banyan Sila Dam in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), on Thursday (29/12/2022).

On the agenda for the working visit of the President of Republic Indonesia with his entourage in the Province of NTB, the Regional Military Commander (Pangdam) IX/Udayana General Major TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., as Pangkogasgab Pam VVIP for the Bali, NTB and NTT regions, is responsible for carrying out physical tasks directly at close range.

So that the presence of Pangdam IX/Udayana in this case apart from welcoming the arrival of the President of Republic Indonesia and more importantly is to ensure and directly check that security is running according to SOP Pam VVIP.

In carrying out their duties, Kodam IX/Udayana always synergizes with the NTB Regional Police, Regional Government and other supporting elements so that the VVIP Security event can run optimally.

Regarding the arrival of the President of Republic Indonesia with his entourage at the end of 2022, especially in Bima and Sumbawa Regencies, he received a very enthusiastic welcome from the local community, this was reflected when he arrived at Sila Market, Bima Regency to hand over social assistance to street vendors and market traders.

After leaving the market, the President and his entourage headed to Tambe Village, Bolo District, Bima Regency to inspect and inaugurate the Permanent Shelter (Huntap) for the residents after the Seroja tropical cyclone disaster, with the hope that residence will become a more comfortable and better place to live for society.

On this occasion, the President also handed over certificates of land rights to the landlord recipients. The President said that the Huntap has been equipped with various public facilities (Fasum) that can support the community’s daily activities.

Next, the President and his entourage used the Indonesian Air Force Super Puma Helicopter to Sumbawa Regency with an agenda of inaugurating the Beringin Sila Dam and also distributing Social Assistance to traders at the Utan Traditional Market.

With the completion of the construction of the Beringin Sila Dam and inaugurated directly by the President of Republic Indonesia today, Thursday (29/12) it is hoped that it will be able to increase agricultural productivity, especially in Sumbawa Regency, NTB with the existence of the Banyan Sila Dam. (Pendam IX/Udy)


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